Author Alain Bieber sends this additional info about lyra guitars on the web: If you want to explore the resources of the web dealing with this forgotten instrument you can first give priority to three sites which are trying to synthesize the material available. Those three sites are a good and reliable introduction to the topic.
From now on, I will only deal with second period lyras. I would be really surprised to see somebody trying to build a first period lyra! As far as Museums are concerned, a virtual visit is especially rewarding when you can have nice photos of outstanding lyras without too much fuss. I will first give a list of Museums where this is possible.
Now I give a second list of outstanding collections which conserve lyras, but unfortunately do not easily show on the web photographs of their lyras.
A lot of Museums have in their “reserves” interesting lyra-guitars, often of great makers. Let us quote a simple list ; Cities of Basel, Milano (Theatro alla Scala), Budapest, Luzern (Richard Wagner Museum), Venezia (Museo Correr, oustanding lyra), Firenze (Museo Bardini), Manchester, Dublin, etc, etc. Some specialized merchants (Krause in Germany, Sinier de Ridder, Renard, Petit, Charles in France, and some others certainly) sometimes present interesting examples to potential clients. This review is of course incomplete. I noticed that the status of the content of web-sites is constantly evolving. Sometimes for the better... but sometimes not, specially when your interest is really focused on a given topic. This is a new problem for information “chasers”, but quite predictable if you consider the nature of the medium. I end this short addendum with a positive point for interested collectors. Due to their strange shape, many nice lyras have been recently on the market at really reasonable prices. Of course it is not true for exceptionnal instruments. A glittering Mareschal lyra sold last year in Vichy (France) for 26,400 Euros. I will not be bidding! I recently found with pleasure two German recent makers, GAL member Wilfried Ulrich & Christoph Michael Pech. So a (very small) club is beginning to form. |
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