How to find a particular article in GAL publications

We've published a lot of helpful lutherie info in our first forty years, and most of it is still available in our books, magazines, and plans. Here are some hints for locating the information you are looking for.

This is an online list of the articles we have published in our two Green Books, our five Red Books, our book Historical Lute Construction, and the first 100 issues of American Lutherie magazine. (A lot, but not all, of the articles we printed before 1985 in the GAL Quarterly and the Data Sheet series are available in the Green Books and the Red Books.) Follow this link to go to the abstracts. You will see a chronological list of the articles with magazine issue and/or book name and page, followed by a short summary of the content plus a few keywords which we have provided to assist your searches. Use your browser's "find" function to find the word, phrase, keyword, or name you are looking for. (Follow this link to a helpful essay on search methods.)

Photo Previews
If you are looking for a particular article in a recent issue, you can try browsing through our photo previews. You'll see a thumbnail image which links to a larger image, plus a short description. Also follow this link, then hit "previous" to see an earlier issue.

Follow this link to see our plans presented in order of subject, starting with steel string flattop guitars. You can scroll down through the list. A small image of each plan is shown, and if you click on the thumbnail, it will take you to a larger image. When you find the one you want, you can add it to your cart and buy it. We will ship it as a rolled, full-scale paper print.

Book Indexes
These are online PDF images of the index pages of our Red Books. They can be helpful for seeing exaclty what is in a particular volume of the Big Red Books.


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