In Memoriam: Al Stancel
Passed on November 29, 1999

Al Stancel at his workbench

It is my sad duty to report the passing of a great man, Mr. Al Stancel. He died suddenly and unexpectedly at home on Nov. 29, l999. He was a fixture in the community of musicians, violin makers, and dealers. His shop, Casa del Sol Violins, Ltd. of Indianapolis served as a focal point for many of us and our specialized interests in violins. In accordance with Al's wishes the shop will remain open and in service to all its clients.

After a successful career as an electrical engineer, Al founded a firm which grew to worldwide prominence, due mainly to his high ethical standards, his skill as a maker and restorer, and his willingness to help others achieve their goals as craftsmen and musicians.

Al and I often joked about working until our last day, then being assigned a bench by St. Peter, in the Harp Repair Shop in Heaven. I'd like to think he is working there now. He would be happiest that way.

Our world has been darkened slightly by his passing, the music will ring just a little softer and a great circle of fellow craftsmen and musicians will miss his ready handshake and warm smile. From all of us, Al... good bye.

Clo Stancel and Keith Davis
This photo is a shot of Clo (Al's widow) and myself just prior to heading out on the lake. On the mantle is a violin made by Al.

             — Keith Davis

Keith Davis added this update when he sent us some photos of Al Stancel in June, 2000:

I recently attended and performed at a memorial service for Al during which his ashes were scattered over the lake behind his home. He was an avid fisherman and had requested many times that he should become a part of the lake he loved so dearly. It was a highly emotional event for his son and widow and myself.

Also by prior request, his ashes were to be scattered privately with no public attendence or hoopla. Well, there was no public there, but as a Piper in Full-Dress, playing appropriate melodies...well, the "hoopla-factor" went up a bit.

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