SECTION 4 (For imports or exports of animal materials or products) FILLING OUT THE U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE DECLARATION FORM 3-177 |
For animal materials Form 3-177 and instructions are downloadable in Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4.0 or higher). The Box 6 “Customs Document Number” refers to the “Entry Number” which must be used in Box 4 of the separate U.S. Customs Form 3461, as well as Box 2 of USDA/APHIS Form PPQ-505 (for importing only of plant materials) and others (see SECTION 5 and SECTION 6). Computing this number (your task) requires first requesting and being issued a 3-character “Entry Filer Code” from U.S. Customs – unfortunately not something that a small business is qualified to receive and which thus must be handled by a brokerage service (see SECTION 8). Filling out a Form 3-177 will automatically incur an “inspection” fee for every shipment (regardless of size or value), currently $91.00 (2011) but which will be going up to $93.00 in 2012, $95.00 in 2013 and etc. This and other FWS fees can be viewed here. It’s should also be realized that although Customs and FWS regulations, forms, instructions, and websites lead us to believe there’s only one acceptable and inflexible way to fill out paperwork and to get clearance on an import or export shipment, that’s not the way things actually work “on the ground”, as per the following two examples: |
If it can be understood, it’s not finished yet. Paul Herbig |
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