2006 G.A.L. Convention
Open House
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Back at the GAL Headquarters open house, Bill Polfus looks at a display of historical photos of the 1979 GAL Convention.

Now we are just chillin’ out. From left, it’s Federico Sheppard, Jakona Bell, Isaac Olsen, Todd Brotherton, Marshall Brune, and Tim Olsen.

Luthier Robert Desmond was a photographer at Disney World in a previous life. He helped out with photography this year. Thanks, Bob! Here he is at the GAL HQ with staffer Dale Phillips.
Here’s Tim and Deb Olsen with Bob Meltz. Bob was a stalwart convention attender in the late 70s and early 80s, but we hadn’t seen him in 22 years. Great to see you, Bob.
Here are a few folks at the Headquarters open house. Click the thumbnail to see everyone. From left to right it’s Todd Rose, Tim Williams, Frank Ford (standing), Genii Williams, John Mikelson (standing), Chuck Tweedy, and Mark Swanson.
It’s the end of a great day, and a great convention. What better way to wind it down than a sing-along with Fred Carlson and his banjo? Going clockwise around the circle from Fred it’s Gregg Miner, Chuck Tweedy, Tim Olsen, Mike Doolin, Gary Southwell, Todd Brotherton, Jakona Bell, and Todd Rose.

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