2008 G.A.L. Convention
Overview | Presenters | Music | Exhibition | Auction | Miscellaneous | Open House | Staff & Helpers

Perendengue is a quartet of music professors from Bogota, Colombia. Members (left to right) are: Leonardo Garzón, Jenny Alba, Manuel Bernal, and Oriana Medina. All the instruments they played were built by longtime GAL member Alberto Paredes, ranging from traditional bandolas, tiples, and guitars to an innovative baritone bandola with a multi-scale fretboard, asymmetrical shape, and lattice bracing.
Neil Andersson has played for us in past years as a member of Gypsy jazz stalwarts Pearl Django, but this time he brought along Chuck Deardorf on bass and Peter Pendras on guitar to play a delicious swing-surf hybrid.
When you are listening to music in the gorgeous Lagerquist recital hall, there is always an 8000 lb. gorrilla in the room. It’s the splendid pipe organ built by local master Paul Fritts. PLU’s organ instructor Paul Tegels graciously agreed to give a short and demonstrative concert set, and also give a tour into the bowels of the beast.
Jim Buckland concertized on his reproductions of 19th-century guitars, ably assisted by his wife Karen on piano. Luthiers were impressed that the unamplified little guitars held their own in the large and reverberant hall, even with the accompaniment of a modern grand piano.
Newlyweds Mike Doolin and Nancy Conescu brought us into the 21st century with duets on electric and acoustic guitars, electric and acoustic basses, harp guitar, and voice. Follow this link to see the guitars played by Mike, and follow this link to see the guitars played by Nancy.
Young classical guitar phenom Travis Johnson played a guitar by Jeffrey Elliott. The microphone in the picture was for recording purposes only. Travis filled up the big hall the old-fashioned way.
Yet another husband-and-wife musical team was Tarik and Julia Banzi, now residing in the USA again after a few years in Morrocco. Their Andalusian blend of Spanish and Arabic music is a perennial hit with GAL members.
Music is everywhere at a GAL Convention, and so is Benz Tschannen. That is because Benz plays music wherever he goes.
More “unauthorized” music, this time featuring Ira Pelletier, Mike Doolin, Joel Eckhaus, and Steve Grimes among others.
Rick Rova demonstrates the latest super-ergonomic guitar by Dan Erlewine, featuring an extreme body contour, right wrist support, and a decorated chin rest. Not like a violin chin rest. This one is to park your head in.
After dark the music action moved off campus. Luthiers gather at the Northern Pacific Coffee Company.
Brothers Bob Park (left) and John Park play flamenco on box drum and guitar.
More flamenco music, this time with Marcos and Rubina Carmona.
Flamenco juerga host Robert Ruck (right) with Perendengue member Leonardo Garzón.
Northern Pacific Coffee was also the scene of a steel string open mike facilitated by Mark Swanson. Blaine England shows off a nice carved-top mandolin.
More fun at NPCC. These guys were performing the Leo Sayer hit “You Make Me Feel Like Dancing.” Mike Doolin (left), Mark Young (right).
Over at Farrelli’s Pizza the luthiers rocked out. Here’s Jay Hargreaves on bass, Ralph Novak on guitar, Brent McElroy on drums, and Jason Lollar the Howlin’ Hollerer on guitar and vocal. That dude can sing!
Same lineup, except Tom Ribbecke has taken over on guitar.
Carl Bond and Mark Lupien just can’t get enough.

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