2011 G.A.L. Convention
Staff & Helpers
Overview | Presenters | Music | Exhibition | Auction | Miscellaneous | Open House | Staff & Helpers

GAL Head honcho Tim Olsen greets the members at the beginning of a presentation. Todd Brotherton was back from his home in Mt Shasta, CA to act as our Convention Coordinator again this year. Here he pauses for a few minutes to visit with Geza and Tini Burghardt.
Staff and Board member Deb Olsen tries to keep everybody in line, including her friend and helper Teri! Bon Henderson (right), GAL staffer and Board member poses with Sandy Brizuela, a local friend who helped out with registration and the auction.
Staff Dale Phillips, always ready with a smile (or a clever quip!) Staff Kurt Kendall did double duty as our entertaining auctioneer in addition to manning the Guild registration/sales table. Friend Emi Brizuela helped at the GAL table, as well as the auction, and open house!
Our friends Dale and Teri Korsmo volunteered to help with photography, registration and sales, and provided computer support for all the photographers! Sam Olsen helped out with the auction preview and with lots of totin’ and haulin’.
Isaac Olsen was there to videotape the exhibition, and friends Aaron Salinas and Kim Spinner helped out too! Love the younger generation helpers! Tacoman Steve McElrath came on board to do the detail photography on workshops as well as all the convention action.
Remote editor Cyndy Burton helped out with photography in addition to her listening session duties. Member Brian Stone helped with the photography chores, most notably the group photo!
Always smiling, January Williams came early to help out with the auction prep and organized the “Venerables” exhibit. Jay Hargreaves was very helpful as always, providing rides, tuning guitars in the listening sessions, organizing the electric open mike, and providing treats!

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