Lutherie pioneer Neil Ostberg made this step-by-step pictorial of making a Torres-style guitar. It was one of the earliest internet how-to lutherie pages. We preserved it here, with Mr. Ostberg’s permission, for its historical significance.
Photographing instruments. Photographing instruments. This site is an archive of the old bunnybass site, which is now defunct. It demonstrates simple and effective techniques for photographing instruments. It's super cheap and low-tech, no lights, no flash, no stands. Advice is excellent.
American Folklife Center, Library of Congress: Banjo, Cimbalom, Oud, Tar and more. This site has some cool plan drawings made by WPA workers. They are not available as prints, but they are still informative.
Ashmolean Museum Early guitar, viols and violin family.
Rebuilding a Prima Balalaika - a lot of useful information on the balalaika.
CIMCIM: International Committee of Musical Instrument Museums & Collections.
Conservation Online Stanford U's website for curators and conservators.
CSIRO's Tropical Forest Research Center of Australia.
The Early Music Shop. Early musical instruments, kits, etc.
EXOTIC WOODS. Exotic Woods Co. A real resource for builders. Check it out, and tell them GAL sent you!
Blue Ox Hardwoods Nathan H. McElroy,V.P., 1-800-758-0950, Fax 716-871-1735. Hardwood Lumber Specialists.
Fret Not Guitar Repair. It is nicely organized and easy to navigate. Nearly every topic pertaining to guitar repair and maintenance is covered, along with help and how-to's, before and after pictures of repairs, and a host of repair parts and equipment.
Germanisches Nationalmuseum Harpsichord.
"Great Guitar Sites on the Web".
Guitar & Lute.
The Guitar Sherpa, your guide through the mountains of online stringed instrument information.
Harmony Central Lots of music links.
Indiana U's music resources, one of the most comprehensive I know of.
I.R.O.R. An interesting site in Italian devoted to restoration of old instruments. Neapolitan mandolins, 19-century guitars, and an authentic lute.
Chris Knutsen, website devoted entirely to this maker. Pictures of instruments, biography and historical photos.
The Kun Shoulder Rest Shoulder rests for violin and viola; these are very popular throughout the world.
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna lute.
Lutherie.gr Greek musical instruments, methode for constructions and a radical view for the guitar.
Luthiers Mercantile International. The luthier's one stop shop for wood, tools, books, plans, etc.
Musical Math Bob O'Rourke's great site uses flash animation to illustrate mathmatical descriptions of musical string motion.
Musicians & Instrument Makers Forum , MIMF ,is a site to be watching closely! Log on and learn (and teach)!
Olympic Instruments Hurdy-gurdy.
Oud, a web site about the Middle-Eastern musical instrument Oud, or Ud, Lute, with Nikos Dimitriadis, from Greece, who gives descriptions and plays various improvisations (Taqasims)
Paul Adams has a very informative site dealing with working around the fretboard with a finger amputation or hand injury.
The Rebec Project, everything you ever wanted to know about the rebec.
Sinopia Pigments & Materials, purveyors of traditional materials such as turps, resins, shellac, etc.
The Luthier's Library, more than 125 instruments currently in the site with additional instruments being added regularly. The selection runs the gamut from 17th Century Italian makers to 20th Century makers from a number of countries.
Victoria and Albert Museum Viols and Violin family.
Violinbridges, an on-line photographic archive of bridges from the violin family.
The W D Music Products website. Guitar kits, etc.
Wilson Burnham has recently started to blog his lutherie work.
The Woodworkers' Store.
The Woodworking catalog - links to lots of useful things for woodworkers.
World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Latest poop on what's on the current CITES banned lists. |