Organizations, Publications & Periodicals
African Blackwood Conservation Project (ABCP). Nonprofit organization. On-line newsletter.
All Frets
Andrew Allan. Book; The Art of Guitar Making & Major Repairs .
The American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers. Professional makers working in the USA and Canada.
The American Musical Instrument Society (AMIS). Annual journal.
Association of Stringed Instrument Artisans (ASIA). Quarterly magazine, conferences, instrument shows.
The Bold Strummer Ltd. Lutherie books.
Bray Baroque publications have two new publications which should be interesting to luthiers. "Unequal Temperaments" and "Baroque Keyboard Fingering".
The British Violin Making Association (BVMA). Quarterly journal
Build Your Guitar, Martin Koch, has many books on guitar building in English and German.
The Catgut Acoustical Society. Journal of the CAS. Violin family acoustics, makers, you name it.
Certified Forest Products Council (Metafore). Action organization on conservation, quarterly newsletter, Understory.
CIMCIM: International Committee of Musical Instrument Museums & Collections.
Dulcimer Players News information for both mountain and hammered dulcimer players and luthiers.
Dutch Guitar Builders Meeting which will take place every two years in The Netherlands.
Early Music America quarterly magazine Early Music America.
Early Music Guild a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of early music through concert production, education and support of local artists. Publishes a newsletter 5x/yr. and a e-newsletter.
Experimental Musical Instruments. Quarterly journal for the design and construction of unusual instruments. Ceased publication in 1999 but all back issues, cassettes, books etc are available from on-line catalog.
Fellowship of Makers & Researchers of Historical Instruments. Concerned with preservation of historical instruments, etc.
Fine Woodworking magazines index to back issues from 1975.
The Galpin Society. Annual journal for the study of musical instruments.
Add your name to Famous Guitarmaker's Global list of luthiers.
Guitar Foundation of America publishes Soundboard magazine, annual conventions and competitions.
Hardanger Fiddle Association of America dedicated to preserving Norwegian music, dance and vocal music.
International Society of Folk Harpers and Craftsmen. Publishes Folk Harp Journal.
Lute Society of America quarterly magazine, annual journal, meetings.
The Lute Society (of England) Quarterly, Lute News and annual scholarly journal, The Lute, plans and tablatures.
Luthier Built, connecting musicians with musical instrument professionals and events worldwide.
Luthier's Interactive of North Texas (LINT) meets 6x/yr. covers construction and repair of stringed instruments.
Luthier's Library is a growing database providing a consistent, comprehensive and affordable source of detailed measurements, photos and information about instruments from private collections and museums.
Montagnana Books Check out the books on the violin and other quality stuff!
National Music Museum offers a virtual gallery tour and a list of available technical drawings for sale.
New Violin Family Association. Focus on violin octet, drawings available, concerts, music, newsletter.
Orpheon Foundation Museum of Historical Musical Instruments covering the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical periods.
SoundWood/Fauna & Flora International action organization dedicated to the preservation of trees used for instruments. Publishes newsletter Fauna & Flora News.
Southern California Association of Violin Makers. Monthly meetings and bulletins; periodic exhibitions.
The Strad monthly magazine, violin family information for players, makers, and historians.
String Letter Publishing, Inc. publishes Acoustic Guitar and Strings magazine.
Stringed Instrument Makers of Southern California (SIMSCal) holds quarterly meetings in Los Angeles/Orange County area.
Henry Strobel has published a series of violin making tomes that have been well received and widely acclaimed in the lutherie community over the years.
Texas Commission of the Arts
Vintage Guitar magazine.
Viola da Gamba Society of America non-profit organization dedicated to the viola da gamba in the U.S. and abroad.
Violin Makers Association of Arizona International monthly journal VMAAI, annual convention; violin making competition.
Violin Society of America (VSA) Journal of the Violin Society of America and quarterly newsletter; meetings and competitions
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