2004 G.A.L. Convention
Overview | Presenters | Music | Exhibition | Auction | Miscellaneous | Open House | Staff & Helpers

The newly-renovated Xavier Hall was the site of the special exhibition of historic guitars.

Jim Schlosser picks tops at the Alaska Specialty Woods table.
Michael DaSilva shows ukes. Ben Patron and Cherie Woodward ride herd on Ben's wide variety of guitars.
Displays by Michael Rosen of the Roberto-Venn school. Kurt Becker.
James Wilson. Woodley White.
Dan Biasca with his guitars Not sure who this guy manning Frank Andy Johnson's wood table, but he's talking to John Kruse
Mark and Marilyn Wood at their table. John Thayer with his guitars
Todd Rose (left) and Jay Hargreaves discuss Jay's Kasha-inspired bass tops There's Kerry Char
Richard Hankey at his table of ouds and a santur. Richard also played an oud at the classic guitar listening session. David Minnieweather with his basses
Duane Heilman with his guitars, ukes, and dulcimers Curtis Rockwell (left) and Johanna Mutti show one of their guitars to a GAL member.

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