2004 G.A.L. Convention
Staff & Helpers
Overview | Presenters | Music | Exhibition | Auction | Miscellaneous | Open House | Staff & Helpers

And there is GAL contributing editor John Calkin with his brand-new-this-minute Steve Kinnaird guitar.

Top-notch technicians (aka gophers) that we brought in to keep the convention running at the highest level include Bjorn Peterson...
...Ed Nadarozny, ...Jim Waller,
...Sam Olsen, ...Marty Peterson,
...and Isaac Olsen. Contributing editor Cyndy Burton is showing off her necklace made of pearl guitar tuner buttons and other small guitar parts.
There's convention photographer Hap Newsom. Kurt Kendall worked the magazine sales table.
That's what we like to see, a luthier reaching for his wallet! Calling Todd Brotherton indefatigable would be no exaggeration. Really, he's probably never been defatigated. The fine folks who, along with the aforementioned Kurt Kendall, form the GAL Headquarters staff are Jon Peterson,...
...Dale Phillips, ...Deb Olsen,
...Tim Olsen, ...and Bon Henderson.

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